Our Mission

EWGS welcomes you!
Eastern Washington Genealogical Society, a non-profit organization, offers help to anyone researching their family history. We provide programs, classes, workshops and a vibrant website with local resource databases, contact links and current activities information.
Eastern Washington Genealogical Society covers Ferry, Lincoln, Pend Oreille, Spokane and Stevens County (Region 7 of Washington State Genealogical Society).

National Genealogy Calender of Events

Looking for new resources to check out without fees or driving costs?
Check out this link for a full calendar of events:


Good News!  FREE  help with your genealogy questions and/or research is now available at the following libraries.
Central Library
(Spokane Public Library)
Every Wednesday 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Washington State Genealogy

   Washington State Genealogy Society's blog
   (click on the image or go here: https://wasgs.org/blog/ )


Thank you for visiting our website. If you notice any broken links or errors, or if you have ideas on how we can improve our website, please contact webmanager@ewgsi.org

Latest News
The EWGS Blog is available to anyone. Sep 10 - Green Peas: A History

Oustanding Voluteers
Dear Eastern WA Genealogical Society, Congratulations to all the amazing individuals and teams who contributed to your local society! We made the announcement of the Outstanding Volunteers and Teams on Friday night at the WSGS Annual Meeting. We hope you will celebrate your members’ & teams’ accomplishments any way you see fit. Thanks for recognizing your volunteers! Eastern Washington Genealogical Society: Kelly Martin Donna Potter Phillips Audio Visual Team (Dan Cotton, Julie Rosenhoff, Ron Marvin, John Wilson, Duane Beck)

Upcoming Events
September 12th
September 16th
ROOTSMAGIC Monthly Meeting
September 17th
September 19th
Genealogy Detectives
September 21st
Ancestor Detectives