Greetings! Past issues of the Digital Digest Quarterly publication will be found here. These issues are available to the public after one year from publication date. The first issue begins with our FALL 2011 publication.
We hope you find the information not only interesting, but also answers some of your questions about your ancestors.
To access the current year publications you must be a member in good standing; Society dues are $25 year. Our Digest is focused on sharing research ideas, stories of the past, history articles and numerous geneaology avenues. By becoming a member you will gain access to numerous other resources.
Happy Reading!
Once your have your pdf reader installed simply click on the publication you are interested in and it will open the file. From there you can read, print or download the publication. If you want to take advantage of the links in the Digital Digest just copy and paste them into your browser or email program and they will work fine.
Digital Digest Index
We continue to improve our website content for easy reading and access. The following file contains ALL ISSUES of our Digital Digest. It is updated periodically with Archived Issues. Please enjoy your time here.
NOTE only two editions available for 2011